What Grace Really Means

I have a favorite song currently. Since the first time I listened to it, I couldn't help but fell for it. Maybe some of you are already familiar with it. 'Grace' is the title of the song by Laura Story. If you never hear it before, you better listen to it. The lyrics of the song will touch your heart.

Talking about grace, what does grace mean?\

I'm now in a 3-week holiday (semester break) which means that I can stay at my home. I left dorm on 14 August. In other words, I have spent one week at home with my family. Even though I don't do much things at home, I'm so thankful that I can be with my family. It is one of God's grace! I can meet up with my old friends. I can clean up my room and home. I can practice keyboard and guitar. I can ride my bike in the afternoon. I can do whatever I want that I can't do in dorm. I'm really thankful for that.

Many of my friends can't go back to their hometown this holiday because of one and another things. I have to admit that I'm sad to know this. Why this feels like unfair? They should enjoy the holiday too with their family. I believe they have missed them so much. Even some of them haven't had a chance to go to their hometown for 2 years. It means they haven't met their family since the first they came to our university. I couldn't imagine if I were them. I couldn't hold my feeling for that long. That's why I see this as God's grace.

This year the holiday occurs at the same time of the third practicum of my seniors at college. This practicum (aka PPL 3) is where they are teaching the real students at the selected schools over Indonesia. This practicum is also an internship for them and the right time to explore everything they need in order to do their final project (thesis). Some seniors that I know are having the practicum in Palembang, Lampung, Bangka, Nias, Yogyakarta, Toraja, Makassar, and the nearest one is Tangerang. From this, I learn that wherever they are placed, it's God's grace. Although some of them have practicum in schools in Tangerang area and makes them to stay at dorm, it's counted as God's grace. For the rest of them who get a chance to go over island and can enjoy the beauty of the city, it's also God's grace.

Well, for me personally grace is God's gift, blessing. People may say it's a good luck when people get something good and it's a bad luck when they get something bad. No...
As the believers we believe that we can live our life till this day is because of God's grace. The fact that our sins are already cleansed and forgotten so that we can have a good relationship with God and our neighbors, it's because of His grace.

Remember John 3:16! We are saved only by His grace.

That's all from me now. I will write soon...
God bless you and enjoy your life!



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