Hey August!

Hey August! It's good to welcome you. I really hope this month is gonna be great as what previous months were. Please be good to me :)

Yesterday and today, the new students of cohort 2018 are coming to my campus and they are gonna living at dorm just like me. Well, the time really goes by so fast. Last year I was part of the committee to welcome the new students. Now, the students that I welcomed last year are now welcoming the new students. Wow! I can feel the excitement and spirit of being the part of the biggest committee in my faculty.

There is something happens to me in the beginning of August. I want to share something related to my physic condition. I have just got a surgery on my neck on 1 August. It was my decision to have this surgery because I felt uncomfortable with the thing that stuck in my neck. I was totally unconscious when the surgery was going on. In other words, I was totally sleeping. I really had no idea what the doctors and nurses did to me. All I knew was when I woke up I was already at the care room of the hospital and I found my neck was already wrapped with bandages.

I was taken care at hospital for one night and accompanied with my mom. My aunt and my cousin even came to the hospital to see my condition after the surgery was done. Then, my dad and my sister also came in the evening to bring some stuff. After that, all I did was just sleeping because I was dizzy and I really couldn't do anything beside lying on bed.

Hmm... I hope I can get a speed recovery for my condition. Because my holiday is almost over. On Sunday I'm gonna go back to dormitory. No need to worry actually when God is always beside me. The fact that the surgery was going well is because of God. He is the one who gives me strength. Thank You God.. I believe that the power of Your blood will heal me.

God bless you. 



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