Two Years Full of Blessings

"See you Nadya! Good luck on your college!"  
"Take care ya..."   
"Don't forget me ya…"

My friends at church said good bye to me as I left them with my sister on my motorcycle. I needed to go back home early because I had to prepare the stuff that I would bring to the dormitory. Yeah, it was the day when I went to dormitory for the first time. The dormitory belongs to UPH TC.
"See you my bedroom. See you home…" It was my last words before leaving my home. I went to the campus with my family. We were just silent along the way. We arrived at 15.00 and everyone had already gathered around with the committee. 

My name was called by a senior and I was hugged by someone I didn't even know. She took me near the lake and we talked about each other. The committee welcomed me and other new students at the dormitory. With mix feelings, I said good bye to my family and my mentor (the one who hugged me first) helped me for the pre-registration and we went to my room.

I was even surprised when I saw my name was on the door of the room. I was welcomed with the seniors and also met other new students. We introduced each other and my senior helped me to unpack my stuff.

At night, I couldn't sleep. I still couldn't believe that I now lived in dormitory. I still imagined my bedroom and how comfortable it was. Everything was so different here. I just could give thanks to God for all of this. 

Today is exactly two years of living in dormitory. I have planned to go back this evening because of my not-so-good condition. When I looked to the calendar this morning, I can't believe that it's already two years. Wow! It feels like it was the day before yesterday I came to this campus. Hahaha 

The new students that I welcomed last year have become the committee of the new students this year. They welcome cohort 2018 with the same way as what we and the seniors did. It's actually a tradition from generation to generation. Instead of seniority, this is our way to welcome new students with hug and warm smile. Hopefully, they can feel that they deserve to be here and know that we love them as God loves them. 

Two years full of blessings. I have passed 4 semesters in this university. I have learned a lot. From the very basic one about English to the (probably) most difficult one (so far) about Theology. I have gone through many ups and downs, from the group works to the deadline works. I have known about many personalities, from the take-it-easy ones to the most active ones. I have joined many activities also, from being the committee of TC entrance test (Ujian Saringan Masuk TC) to being the member of ELT Students Council (HMPELT). I'm super thankful for the time that has passed full of blessings from God. I might not experience all of this if I didn't decide to study here and stay at dorm.

Bad things, feeling hurt, sick, and so on may happened in the past. All of them have become life lessons for me personally. I saw God's hand in those difficult times. Not only that, I could also feel His love through the good times He gave to me. I may not know what I will face next year, next semester, even tomorrow! But, I believe that He will also be with me in tomorrow, next semester, next year, and forever.

There are still 2 years ahead. There are more new experiences await me. There are more blessings that God has prepared for me. I hope I can survive and continue my life here. Of course not with my own strength, but with Him who gives me strength.  

Some of you may also face the same thing with me. Some of you may live far away from your family. Some of you may have different problems. I don't know. I pray that you keep leaning on God whatever happens for He is the one who understands you and will never leave you. Keep fighting!! 

God bless you always :) 



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